Monday, May 2, 2011

The Start of the Economic Armageddon

Things have been going crazy in the world, now Syria is in problem as i predicted, Gold is now at 1550 USD/Oz reaching a all-time international, all history high. The gold Bull run is well underway full steam ahead.

Now the mainstream media is shockingly quiet about the true news that affect the world, smokescreens have been pulled over our eyes.

Here is the top 3 news that seals the fate of the world economy on a downward spiral (the Start of the End of the United States) and why gold/commodities will go even higher.

1. The Dicussion for Bretton Woods III
Now why is this important? The Bretton Woods agreement is a historic agreement whereby world currencies are discussed upon and where a new global currency is decided. (Whether the US dollar will remain the global reserve currency)

Big names like George Soros are attending, if this new world currency is gold backed even by 10%, the price of gold will easily exceed 3000/Oz. If a new fiat currency is agreed upon, then gold/commodities will still rise because fiat currency is still funny (magical) money.

Every 30-50 years there is a new monetary system, and it has been at least 40 years now.

For your Viewing Pleasure:

2. China Will Surpass US Economy by 2016

The IMF finally admits this, after so long, this has been baked into the cake at least a decade ago. Although China might experience a property bubble soon (its massive construction of Ghost Cities), its nothing compared to the Parasitic effect the US economy has on the world.

Do take a Read:

3. The US Federal Reserve's Chairman's Statements

Ben Bernanke said nothing conclusive about the Federal Reserves movements. Although no further Quantitative Easing is expected (printing money), interest rates are still kept at a nominal Zero. Real interest rates are still very negative.

'Those invested in precious metals saw something special—gold climbing to uncharted new territory to over $1522 an ounce as Bernanke sparred with reporters. By the end of the day, silver was up $2 near levels not seen in 31 years. You could feel the symbolism in the air as Bernanke, the keeper of the U.S. dollar, lost ground in real-time to the only money that can't be printed by an overzealous central bank—gold and silver'

-Mike Maloney

psssst, S&P Downgraded US credit Rating :)