Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Strength of the Sing Dollar & The Blame Game

Its great to be in Singapore (for-now)!! =D

With the US dollar literally dying, the wealth of the Asian Economies will be affected but will ultimately thrive.

Come, let me explain why the Sing Dollar is Strong, Why the US dollar is weak & Why buying gold (or any commodity actually) using Asian Currencies is much better then the US dollar.

Here is an old pic of mine after my travels to New York. In Early 2007, the price of gold in US dollars is: 600 USD per oz. Exchange rate to Singapore then was probably around 1.42 or so. (Meaning 1 US dollar can buy 1.42 Sing Dollars). Meaning in 2007, you need 850 dollars to buy an oz of gold.

Today the price of gold is around 1370 USD an oz. However the exchange rate is now only 1.28, meaning you only need 1750 Sing Dollars to buy an oz of gold.

To conclude with the US dollar falling, get out of the dollars and get back into Asian currencies such as the Sing Dollar and the Yuan. Even if gold rises, you will be paying (in a way) lesser for gold using the Sing Dollar then if you held on to the greenback!

The Blame Game!!

How do most locals in Singapore think about inflation? There you have it. Most realise something is wrong but are waiting for either handouts or solutions from the government. They blame the whole world except themselves. Remember people, when something goes wrong, more often then not to find the culprit, one has but to look into the mirror.

Its quite obvious which post is mine down below. But omg, i received 2 dislikes within 10 minutes while Mr Whiner garnered 3 likes for complaining. Amazing. Disgraceful.

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